Saturday, November 10, 2012

Moral Naturalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Moral Naturalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

          Besides the  God of the scientific gap exists the one of the explanatory one per Lamberth's God of the explanatory gap argument. Theists can grant that  why, We don't need Him as the answer to why particular matters exist but instead as why do things act as they do.That is the intent behind  Aquinas' five ways and others' cosmological arguments- the overall explanation- the sufficient reason.

           But that amounts to God did it which means He does whatever He does, a tautologous pseudo-answer!It implies divine intent for events, whilst science finds none as the Coyne-Mayr-Lamberth teleonomic argument explains.

        Besides this argument, rules also the Lamberth ignotic-Ockham argument, the Flew-Lamberth the presumption of naturalism and Aquinas' own the superfluity argument that boomerangs on his five failed ways.  

Two Arguments for Evolution by Rational Selection

Two Arguments for Evolution by Rational Selection